Sunday, July 12, 2009

Nicole Spence: He Won’t Kiss You After What?


by Nicole Spence

I just love my guy friends we just always seem to engage in the craziest of personal conversations. Last night a friend of mine, hmmm let's call him Jack. Jack and I got together with my girlfriend Jihan and a light skin guy friend of his, whose name escapes me at the moment.

We of course start knocking back the drinks and adult conversation. Jack starts talking about " Yea ya'll can't handle me, I'm Nasty in bed!" (Oh word) He explains that has been to several sex parties and all type of menages. Shut Up! Who knew I was friends with such a freak nasty!
So what else do you do Jack? He repeats a lot of shit Nic! But you know what this girl tried to do after she gave me head? What?! I screamed thinking its gonna be some real nasty shit like, peeing on him! Lol. This fool said she tried to kiss me! Wtf?!! Are we Ten?!!

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